Wednesday, October 17, 2012

A is for anemone

Type. Isn't it a lovely thing on a page? I'm dyslexic - so often type takes on a more diverse meaning. It goes beyond a letter and the sounds associated with it-maybe more prominently it becomes a shape with a weight and presence on a page. Add that to being a graphic designer and boom! I love type!
It just seemed to fit with the project a day. Plus my baby girl Tegan- would benefit from it. Maybe. Antidote - appropriate for an alphabet book- it's an important word.
Anyway here was yesterday's project.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Lost Time

Making up for a dearth of posts by putting up a selection of images from my time away. Yes, it did lead to suspicious looks followed by the phrase 'Julia - photographing paint again'.

Just look at the textures and colours though.

So tactile: I want to ruffle them.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


Card sort of dissolves in water It goes from solid to pliable and fluid; but the textures on it are thick and unfinished like a late Rembrandt. Magical yet macabre.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011


Look at any natural object in detail and you suddenly notice the quantity of colours in them and the rich, sinuous lines. Must remember to take my camera with me more.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Minimalism Rocks

I was recently at a job with my husband just outside of D.C. It was at a home a guy is building for him and his family. This place is amazing. Its still under construction and it is beautiful. Glass walkways and hallways.  An outside koi pond that will flow underneath one of the glass walkways. Aluminium staircases. And a square toilet, for Pete's sake! This place was so inspiring to me. To see how someone can take what is in their mind and make it an amazing three-dimensional home.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

French Flea

Textures. I love textures. Walking round the Musee D'Orsay I had to keep my hands in my pockets to dodge exploring the Van Goghs through tactile means.

Look at the cracking plaster of this Flea Market. Thick and grubby and beautiful.